Tuesday, May 26, 2009

$2 admission for Derby Folk!!!

Things you can get for $2:

  • A 40 of Olde English, with classy brown bag

  • A cherry-flavored bathroom vending machine condom

  • 2 pairs of practical dollar-store granny panties

  • Admission to a Morristown Madams’ home bout

The Morristown Madams continue to offer a special admission rate to all fellow derby girls (and refs, coaches and support staff). Maybe it’s 'cause we’re feeling sweet, or maybe it’s 'cause we need more bodies to pad the non-impact-friendly walls of our rink… either way, here’s what you have to do:

E-mail one of our captains (Yula G at sandy_b13@hotmail.com or Bozie Banger at boziebanger@morristownmadams.com) at least 24 hours before the bout (by 7pm Friday of bout weekend) and let them know:

Derby Girl Name, Team Name

We will put you on a super special list at the door, and then you can get in for just $2.

So save yourself 10 bucks and send the email! No girl showing up, even in full regalia with full pads and skates bearing free cases of beer, will be admitted for this $2 price unless her name is on our list.

Hope to see you here!

The Madams

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